01 A song was born
02 Just around the corner
03 Reach out to Jesus
04 A thing called love
05 Noah found grace
06 Walk with me
07 First day in heaven
08 Just because he loves you
09 Swing low, sweet chariot
10 Rest for the weary
11 It wouldn't be enough
12 Blessed assurance
* Tamanho:31,928 * Hospedagem: 4shared
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02 Just around the corner
03 Reach out to Jesus
04 A thing called love
05 Noah found grace
06 Walk with me
07 First day in heaven
08 Just because he loves you
09 Swing low, sweet chariot
10 Rest for the weary
11 It wouldn't be enough
12 Blessed assurance
* Tamanho:31,928 * Hospedagem: 4shared
*Download aqui Vocal*
Um comentário:
olá amigo,
Aprecio muito quartetos da antiga, e ao me deparar com este blog fiquei fascinado com tamanho acervo. Parbéns pela iniciativa e quando puder faça um visita ao meu blog www.desfiledequaretos.org será bem vindo!
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